The little spot is for friends and Kirsten. The tickle that started it was a thread on a forum discussing the relationship, if any, between motorcycles, fast cars and slow boats... The results are in... There are way to many people sailing that have a motorhead back ground. The best explanations are the relationship to freedom or feeling free that is a state common to the past times.

 This shows the whole thing in it's beginning, notice my first sail boat in the background.


 Mexico border in NM 1985


 I rode this bike for ten years and over 130,000 miles... about 1980


 First day at the race track in 85



 Normal day on the hill (Palomar Mountain). KK taking photos like it was nothing special... it wasn't for us at the time. we are going pretty quick here.


 The bikes in the foreground and background are KK's


 We were a familiar sight at Palomar mountain as seen here. This day riding with the BMW club who were no slouches.


 I threw everything at this bike except loud pipes. It had full fairing kit from Lockhart, spondon floating disc callipers, works performance rear shock and other stuff I forget.


 This was my first "date" with KK. Been married over 20 years now. We were on our way to the superbike races at Riverside. I had a broken collarbone not yet healed and suffered horribly on the return trip. Could not pull the clutch. Thats KK cheesing out and me looking reserved... I hurt like hell but didn't want to let on and fuck up the date. Don't remember who the other couple were.


 In the wind and at play... on any sunday!


 In ensenada mexico, getting ready to start for the La Carrera where I did 34th overall out of 200 entries and won my class hands down. Borrowed KK's little ninja cause I couldn't get the EX 500 to handle. The 250 was the slowest (top speed) machine entered, thank god for the curves!


 My daughter Kirsten having a try on the YSR 50 Yamaha pocket bike which was registered and street legal. she must have been 8 or so. And no... I didn't allow her to learn without a helmet. For the pic she was on the side stand.


 Willow Springs about 86. I am on the red bike.


 KK needed a bike with a low seat... so I got her an ex race bike with a power band about 300 rpm wide and a mean little thing but it would go like hell if you could keep the front wheel on the ground.


 Willow springs again at the top of the hill. You can just make out the pits in the background.


 Was found of touring on this bike. NX 650. this is at Monterey cal to watch the supers at Laguna Seca


 The 94 cbr.. a few weeks later I wadded this bike up so bad the fuel tank got wrapped around the gauges. Shame it was pretty but I did put it back on the road,,, all black and running well.


 I am in back here but I passed him in the turn!