The links below are to assist novice computer users in attaching documents, sending photos and dealing with issues like computer security. The instruction is illustrated to provide a visual step by step help guide free of geek speak. Many experienced users may find helpful information as well. Also, any computer user that has info that might be useful to add here, please mail me the report for addition and thank you!

 Finally! A step by step guide on how a complete novice can do their own web site with nothing more than a Word program. Including tips on how to select a host server and upload it all when you are done. You really can do this!

 How to send attachments by email

 How to size photos and send email

 Digital Photos ... expalined!

How to set up email accounts, step-by-step

  How to easily fix the number one cause of computer death!

 How the government is preparing to censor what you read and see, "The Filter" and the "NBN" will shut us off from the rest of the world, like China.

 How To make your own web site

 The Dark Side..... things you should know.

  Why Does my Computer Run slow or Crash!? Information to help keep the cyber-terrorists out of your computer

 Government Shame in internet interference!
See how our own government has participated in web crime.
 The Coastal Passage Calls BULLSHIT on Microsoft and the ABC